Corporate Wellness

Farm to Table Nutrition

Corporate Wellness Initiatives 

Wellness programs are ranked as one of the most popular employee benefits.  There are so many long and short-term benefits of food wellness programs and initiatives in the workplace. These initiatives promote increased workplace productivity and foster a culture of health and wellness. 

A farm to table health initiative is not only a unique addition to your wellness program, but it also helps your employees learn how to prepare nutritious meals and teaches them the benefits of buying local, organic produce.

Employees will love learning how to incorporate healthy eating into their busy schedules.   Providing local, organic fruits and vegetables for employees will address some key barriers many employees face when trying to add more fruits and vegetables to their diets.

About Us:  Our names are Julianne and Alyssa Borba (the farmers daughters).  We are identical twins who both studied nutrition at Cal Poly San Luis Obispo.  We each went on to become Registered Dietitians, and to earn our Masters in Exercise Science-Sports Nutrition.  Our goal is to use our education and combine it with our access to locally grown organic produce to build programs for the workplace.

Program Options:

  1. Employer can provide quarterly seasonal produce boxes with recipes and nutrition information.
  2. Employer can offer employees a mini farmers market onsite.
  3. Employees can order Borba Family Farms produce boxes to be delivered monthly straight to the office.


Contact us if you or your employer are interested in collaborating!
